After Windows 98, came the Windows 98 SE. Here, SE stands for Second edition and was released on the 5th of May in the year 1999. Both Windows 98, as well as the Windows 98 SE operating systems, were supported by Microsoft till the 30th of June 2002. Buyers could, however, get extended support till the 11th of July 2006. You can download Windows 98 ISO from our website.
Windows 98 Second Edition ISO inc.Key download pc
This second edition is not a new version,it merely incorporates the changes dictated by the corrections toerrors found in the firstedition as agreed by the XML Schema Working Group, as aconvenience to readers. A separate list of all such corrections isavailable at -errata.
We note with sadness the accidental death of Mario Jeckleshortly after the completion of work on this document. In addition to those named above, severalpeople served on the Working Group during the developmentof this second edition:
Hi, I upgraded from win 7 pro to 10. My laptop worked fine for weeks, then refused to start windows one morning. I tried the repairs available (advanced options, etc). I then downloaded the ISO file for win 10, that contains all the win 10 versions, I retrieved the win 10 pro product key from my drive, but during the win 10 installation it says the the key is invalid. Can anyone advise me, please. Thank you.
Once the theme file has downloaded, open File Explorer and navigate to the Downloads folder. Locate the file named and double-click to extract its contents. The theme file (Windows Theme) will appear automatically in the same folder as the Zip file. 2ff7e9595c