The Guitar Rock series has been one of the most popular sets that Time-Life ever issued.The original R968- set had at least 27 volumes issued, and was preceded by at least two prototype sets,as well as spinning off several volumes of 12-track budget CDs, sold in stores and known as "retailversions" at Time-Life. Starting around 2000, the Guitar Rock series has been reissued onWarner's Flashback label with new cover art work. The sales pitch in 1996 came in an envelope with a series of poses by a wild-haired guitarist. Insidewas a letter and a "just punch out this card and send it in" pitch for the first volume at half price, sent on"approval," meaning you could return it within ten days and pay nothing, not even the return postage. We would appreciate any additions or corrections to this discography. Just send them to us via e-mail. Both Sides Now Publications is an informationweb page. We are not a catalog, nor can we provide the records listed below. We have no associationwith Time-Life or Warner Bros. Records. Should you be interested in acquiring albums listed in thisdiscography (all of which are out of print), we suggest you see our Frequently Asked Questions page and follow theinstructions found there. This story and discography are copyright 2004, 2008 by Mike Callahan.
Pat Benatar Discography 23 Albums 27CD 19792009